He presented all about the INVESTMENTS and how the developers utilize the lands.
There is an Act of Parliment: IRDA Act 2007 for Iskandar Malaysia (IM).
He didn't mentioned at all about the public interest aspects.
What you can see through the plan, most of the lands belong to the developers, and the purpose of development is to attract foreign big company to invest here.
Where are the local communities? What are their benefits?
He answered they get benefits through land-selling.
This is the first time for the Q & A session taking longer than the presentation.
About 10 students involve in the Q & A ssesion.
I asked more than five questions, and argued with him with confident.
"If there were arguments appear, whose decision will become the priority? the local authority or IRDA itself? "
We'll direct the issues to the Prime Minister. He makes the final decision.
(means we no need bother what local authority will do on us, we just listen to PM's".
"IRDA is responsible to whom? the parliament? the local authority or the developers?"
The Prime Minister.
(means we just follow PM's, you don't have the right to ban us.)
"How's the developer been selected?"
We don't select the developers, they come to us directly.
"Is Iskandar Malaysia a must for a better Johor or Malaysia, or it is just a trying? What I noticed through your presentation is this mega project was launched with uncertainty. What you've mentioned just now was there were only 9 staff to run this mega project at the initial stage...it seems like it is really not prepared and I strongly feel that it is sort of show off...to compete with Singapore rather a project which is really benefits the Malaysians."
Ya, i do agree that it was not well-organized at the initial stage, but now we have 92 staff. This is not a project for these few years but it is a long run project...blar blar blar...(sorry, i forgot what he has answered)
Someone asked about the public transportation, seeing the oil will be exhausted in few years time.
He just mentioned there will be MRT provided but with no further explaination on it.
Someone asked about the indegenous group settlements and the the local community.
He said they are willing to sell their land, without forcing them out of the place.
Someone asked about the possibility to compete with Singapore.
He said our land is much more cheaper than Singapore's, sure the foreign investors are willing to invest in IM.
(no, no, Singapore is famous with its world-class services and remains the commercial centre for the South-east region, what about Malaysia?)
Finally I stand up and raise another issues.
"Sir, your presentation today is just about the INVESTEMENT or how to make money, there were so many aspects that you didn't mention to show that this is a sustainable development plan. I am happy to listen that you mentioned about the Ramsar sites just now. But, I am sure Sungai Pulai will be another Pasir Gudang seeing that there are so many mega projects were chosen to be located at the area...I don't understand why PTP, Tanjung Bin Power Plant, the Petrochemical station and the Bunker Terminal are allowed to be just next to the Ramsar site, perhaps you can explain further with us about this, why IRDA choose the area?"
PTP is not giving much impact to the area because they also put a lot of money to do for the conservation...
(I argued: but the shipping activities have been threathen Tanjung Piai, the Southernmost tip of Mainland Asia and the other Ramsar site)
He said he worried about the Bunkery Terminal.
He want to mention about the seagrass bed but he forgot the name, I told him after that.
I forgot to ask him,
How long did IRDA go through for the site survey and study?
How did the IM boundaries and types of development been identified?
Have you ever consder that what-if the Ramsar site would be once either of the powerplant or the petrochemical station get burnt?
Why must us sacrifice our vulnerable mangrove areas, fauna and flora, just for an unsustain economic development?
.etc (including lots of funny assumptions from us, hehe)
A simple presentation, but we realized a lot through it although we are just students.
# # # # # # # # #
In my conclusion,
sir, this is not a good plan for us.
This is just a plan purposely for Pak Lah and his geng...
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6 months ago
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